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Where to start?

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I just re-partitioned the hard drive, installed Win XP Pro, and installed MS security essentials and full Malwarebytes. First two apps I installed on fresh and clean system.

Every hour I seem to get the pop up bubble telling me another IP Address has been blocked.

Is there a way to see what is the origin is of these IP Address accesses? They pop up when I'm not even touching the computer. There must be some back ground process trying access IP Addresses. Here's the recent log.

16:21:53 Andy IP-BLOCK

16:21:56 Andy IP-BLOCK

16:36:42 Andy IP-BLOCK

16:36:44 Andy IP-BLOCK

16:36:48 Andy IP-BLOCK

18:06:41 Andy IP-BLOCK

18:06:43 Andy IP-BLOCK

18:06:47 Andy IP-BLOCK

What app is doing this?

Where do I start?


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