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IP False Positive


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I'm actually more interested in the domains you've got pointing to these IPs, as one of these /24s is well known for malicious content ( used to house malicious Chinese sites), which is why they were blocked.

Indeed, loading itself, shows source code to what looks to be a phishing site (tdbank.com). unless I'm mistaken, is the login page for quadranet customers, and indeed, shouldn't be blocked, so I'll get that unblocked - I can't unblock the other one at present, given it's current content.

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I'm actually more interested in the domains you've got pointing to these IPs, as one of these /24s is well known for malicious content ( used to house malicious Chinese sites), which is why they were blocked.

Indeed, loading itself, shows source code to what looks to be a phishing site (tdbank.com). unless I'm mistaken, is the login page for quadranet customers, and indeed, shouldn't be blocked, so I'll get that unblocked - I can't unblock the other one at present, given it's current content.


I have sent you my email I received from the bank regarding this website including headers. Note I didn't include it in this ticket as it contains private bank staff email and phone numbers.


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