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I had AntiVirus XP on my computer and I had to search 2 hours to take it out and then I found you're website from Bleepingcomputers through google. THANK YOU!! I had a scary red wallpaper from it and I had so many pop-ups. Seriously.. Thank you, I was scared.

Your one of the lucky ones.

Ya know... I use to see this type of infection once, maybe twice a year. But in the last 2 weeks I have seen "antivirus 2008/09, 12 times. And reading through these and other forums I see that it appears to be getting more aggressive. Some people have even been duped into actually paying for it.

Which brings me to my point!

I am currently cleaning up a antivirus 2008 mess at a local business. 7 machines badly infected. The owner is computer illiterate and I found out today he paid for it. I'm still rolling my eyes. Not 2 hours after he told me about it a call came into the office while I'm still struggleing with the last(and worst) infected system.

Some unknown individual was trying to purchase airline tickets with his American Express card number. Long story short his AE card was canceled and a new one is in the mail.

SO it seems peole that the makers of these vile programs are theives. Looking for any poor soul unfortunate enough to be duped into forking over their credit card numbers so they can rob them blind.

If you ask me its pitch fork anf torch time. And hanging aint to good for em!

Theives thats all they are. Simple scum!

Thank god for MBAM is right people. It has just become a "must have" in this day and age. Damn I still can't belive it. What assholes.

Sorry for the rant but this all happened today and it just bowled me over. Damn!

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