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hi everyone, yesterday i ran a quick scan and found a files infected with wdfmgr.exe i took action and deleted on system restart as instructed. i also deleted the quarantined files after the scan was completed since it stated that this was a Trojan and I was not aware of the f\p issues. from what i understood reading other topics on this it stated that wdfmgr.exe = [Microsoft] Windows User Mode Drive Manager and umwdf = enables windows user mode drivers -Windows User Mode Drive Framework. so my quastion is what can i do to recover this files.... is system resore a option? and since i'm not that tech savvy if anyone can explain to me in plain english what is the function of the files i deleted, maybe i don't even need them....

any info. \ recommendations in this matter will be greatly appreciated

thanks, brad.

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We are not sure you had any F/P at all. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/startups/?...word=wdfmgr.exe Start by doing a disk check for errors, if any missing files are found that should fix them. Is the system running OK? Don't use System Restore in this case because if you were infected and most likely you were, you will reinfect. If your having any symptoms let us know what they are.

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We are not sure you had any F/P at all. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/startups/?...word=wdfmgr.exe Start by doing a disk check for errors, if any missing files are found that should fix them. Is the system running OK? Don't use System Restore in this case because if you were infected and most likely you were, you will reinfect. If your having any symptoms let us know what they are.

hi jean, thanks for the quick reply. i did as you suggusted and ran disk check and no errors were found, and as far as missing files there were none. so i guess that's a good sign. in regards to if my system is running ok it looks to be running fine ;) so i guess in my case it was a trojan and not F\P

so again thanks for your help in this regard


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