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AntivirusXP2008 got trapped by my anti-software program, but it left a mess of little executables that were bothersome and annoying. I downloaded Malwarebytes, it found "72" problems, and cleaned them right up. No more pop-ups or free offers. Thanks for a great piece of software! I'll be buying "pro" soon.

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AntivirusXP2008 got trapped by my anti-software program, but it left a mess of little executables that were bothersome and annoying. I downloaded Malwarebytes, it found "72" problems, and cleaned them right up. No more pop-ups or free offers. Thanks for a great piece of software! I'll be buying "pro" soon.

Like an idiot, I opened an email from what looked like a legitimate greeting card site and it stuck the same malware/virus (AntivirusXP2008) into my computer. I have never had something like this forced into my computer and Malwarebytes seems to have saved my behind. My Avast kept picking it up and warning me but when I moved it to the chest it just kept coming back. Windows Defender also found it and attempted removal but did not do the job. I then did a Google search and found Spyware Doctor (which I actually already had installed but disabled it because it is extremely power hungry) which is said to be able to resolve this problem but it did not work either. (It claimed that it was successful but it did not remove the worm). Another search found Malwarebytes and it seems to have crushed the pesky little culprit. THANK YOU! This is now my weapon of choice and I will be buying the pro version as well. I am very disappointed with my trusty old Avast. At least it warned me of the problem immediately.

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Hi Andrew and welcome to Malwarebytes. Avast is still a very good program. These new version are just that, they mutate and become undetected by all programs for a period of time. MBAM is probably more aggressive in updating, often 3 to 4 times a day, but even at that there are things that need to be added. I suggest you have someone look over some logs for you and be sure your all clean too. Follow the instructions here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...owtopic=2936and start your own topic.

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