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Hi there,

I just bought Malwarebytes so I am a new user. I see all these posts about false positives, but how can I really tell... I have not been able to connect to a single site with WS FTP Pro since installing Malwarebytes. I wonder if this is a problem between Malwarebytes and WS FTP Pro, or a setting I have to try?

I am trying to connect to www.darkstar.cc for example.

Many thanks!


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Here is my log trying to connect to one of the other web sites - as far as I know this one is clean. please advise!

00:00:00 Suzanne MESSAGE Scheduled scan executed successfully

07:48:29 Suzanne MESSAGE Protection started successfully

07:48:34 Suzanne MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

20:49:57 Suzanne MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

20:50:02 Suzanne MESSAGE Database updated successfully

20:50:04 Suzanne MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

21:04:35 Suzanne IP-BLOCK

thank you so much.


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