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www.malwarebytes.nl blocked?


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As I'm Dutch I Google'd for Malwarebytes, and http://www.malwarebytes.nl/ showed up as one of the first results. When accessing the website Malwarebytes blocked the website, when I disable IP blocking I found that the mentioned website contains an older version of Malwarebytes, namelijk v1.44!

Is this some kind of scam site or is it real? :)

Scam site

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  • Staff
As I'm Dutch I Google'd for Malwarebytes, and http://www.malwarebytes.nl/ showed up as one of the first results. When accessing the website Malwarebytes blocked the website, when I disable IP blocking I found that the mentioned website contains an older version of Malwarebytes, namelijk v1.44!

Is this some kind of scam site or is it real? :)

If we block it, it's blocked for a reason.

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