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MalwareBytes Team

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Hi Yesitis and welcome to Malwarebytes. I don't think you can call anyone involved with the MBAM project an employee. It's hard to pin the team down to a set number too.

Five main people are listed on the program credits. Two of those joined the development team after MBAM had been released to the public.

There are also all the people that have helped to test the program and who continue to do so, and those that contribute to the malware data base daily.

There are the people who help here at the website as moderators in varying capacities and the people that do the site maintenance. Making a rough guess at a number of people involved heavily in MBAM I would say there are at least 20 that are very active either as part of the website or in submitting files and test information. But, that is by no means all inclusive because everyone that has helped testing and reported a bug or a false positive, a missed malware item are just as valuable and appreciated. That probably puts the numbers into the 100's.

As for paid employees, I'm fairly sure there are none. :angry: Mind you I'm certainly not all knowing, I try to stay in tune and do all I can to help out, but I may very well be totally wrong.

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As far as core people that if any one of then were to leave the project would collapse , there are 3 .

I am one of them and lead the malware research/definition building team , there are 2 people that directly assist me .

We have 2 coders that work on MBAM every day and another that codes a specific tool and makes updates to it from time to time .

As far as people and groups that contribute the number is very high .

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Hi, and thanks for the warm welcome!

Ok, great. At least if you are few people on the team, you have more control over things. It's great to see that the community also help out.

Again, thanks. That was all I wanted to know. Good luck with the project and products! It's great to see new products doing great.

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