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WinIFixer Problem

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Hello, I have a problem with an older computer caused by the malware WinIFixer. I've read the articles on how to uninstall this program, bu have run into a problem.

First, I manually deleted the WinIFixer folder off the C drive by selecting the file in the program folder and deleting it. It stopped most of the problems, but I still cann't select ANY executable files. So, when I try to download a spyware program, it will download to the desktop, but I have no way of opening it. I am relatively green to computers and would really appreciate it if someone could walk me through what steps I need to fix it. I have my tax information on this computer and would lke to at least salvage it. Thank you and hope to hear from someone very soon!


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You can not double click a file? Did you open Internet Explorer on that computer, or are you writing from another computer? Please try running this file,


Thank you for the help. I ran the file and from there was able to select icons run a spyware program. I actually tried to download some programs from the infected computer, but WinIFixer would automatically transfer me to their website no matter what I typed in the search or address bar. I ended up downloading some programs on another computer and transferring it to the infected PC by disc. But, once on the infected PC, I wasn't able to open it due to the fact that I couldn't double click a file or run anything from the command prompt. So, the file you gave me helped immensley. I may need some additional help tomorrow, but for now you've been a HUGE help. Thanks again.



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