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"downloaders" built into websites/hyperlinks

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Good Aternoon (one-and-all),

Well, for starters, I hope I'm posting this question in the right forum.

I found out about your website, and Malwarebytes' Anti-Maleware, via Dell Forums (they were great over there...helping me address several infections on my computer...scanned & cleaned it also).

One of their administrators suggested I download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (I liked the results of your basic/shareware version so much...that I bought the Pro version).

So, my remaining problem is how to best go about avoiding future infections...

I don't attract infections via opening e-mails (or e-mail attachments) or via program/software downloads nor do I allow ActiveX on websites (that way I remained virus FREE for the last 4 years), however, were I DO get sucker-punched is via 'downloaders" built into websites and hyperlinks.

One moment I'm researching something on the web (geneology via Google) and the next thing I know I click on a hyperlink and presto...Norton Internet Security 2008 Auto-Protect (FAILS) to block the attack successfully (read it got onto my harddrive).

I have a desktop Pc (Pentium 4 Windows XP Home Edition) and am using Webroot SpySweeper 2008, Symantec NIS 2008, Malewarebytes' Anti-Maleware, CCleaner.

Does anyone have a suggestion what I could do to improve my chances of not becoming the victim of one of these built-in downloaders again (and no, NEVER again opening Internet Explorer is NOT an option)?

So, that having been said, thank you for having taken the time to read this posting...as well as for any and all suggestions.

With kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...
I would suggest you install SpywareBlaster which immunizes you from threats.


Good Evening,

Well, for starters, thank you for your suggestion. I did download/install SpywareBlaster and (thus far) it seems to be doing its job well.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner...I was in the hospital (orthopedic surgery) and am still in recovery.



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