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I just did a scan with Malwarebytes and I got a notice from ThreatFire that Malwarebytes was writing a file and found it questionable to do so.

I don't know if it was a false positive. I deleted Malwarebytes as much as I was allowed to do, and all the records.

Just checking to see if anyone else is getting notices from Threatfire when using Malwarebytes or any other mal scanning programs.


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Malware scanners are only able to detect suspicious behavior from programs, not whether the program is good or bad. ThreatFire was telling you MBAM was acting in a suspicious manner. There are some other programs giving F/P about MBAM also. Thanks for letting us know about this one. MBAM is safe no need to worry about it. ThreatFire should have a place in configuration you can add programs to the ignore or allow list and adding MBAM should stop all warnings. I'm not at all familiar with ThreatFire though so don't know.

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