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Multiple browsers?


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Is there any harm in having several browsers installed on the same computer? Our desktop has IE8 (only used for Windows updates, or on that very rare occasion when other browsers won't work for a certain thing), Firefox, and Opera. My laptop has the same and I used to use Opera as my default there. However, I now use Firefox most of the time on the laptop. My husband uses Firefox on the desktop, it's our default browser here, and I use Opera on the desktop. I've been tempted to give Google Chrome a try, though, just out of curiosity, and I was thinking of doing so on the desktop. I thought my husband might like the simplicity of it better, provided you can connect to secure sites with it. And Firefox crashed relentlessly on him tonight, too. Would there be a problem having all of these browsers here?

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Thank you. Hmm, I'm not so enthused about Google Chrome now. I don't like things that update without asking first. Picassa (another google item) came preinstalled on my laptop and it updated itself one day without even telling me until the deed was done. My internet isn't bad, but it's such that I like to check for updates myself, I don't like things running and phoning home in the background while I might be trying to do other stuff.

Quicktime and iTunes came preinstalled on my desktop, so I get the nags both to update Quicktime and iTunes (which I've used twice), to the tune of 100 Mb, and with that I get the nag to download Safari, too.

And then there's Iron...hmmm...

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You're welcome, Amethyst :D

Why don't you like things that update without asking? Most updates are security related, but sometimes just for added or enhanced features. I hope you have Windows Critical and Security updates on, at least :D

My internet isn't bad, but it's such that I like to check for updates myself, I don't like things running and phoning home in the background while I might be trying to do other stuff
Ah, is that why? That's understandable.

iTunes came pre-installed? QuickTime doesn't surprise me but iTunes? What kind of a computer do you have?

If you want Chrome but you don't want the privacy invasion, Iron is the way to go :D

And I'll answer your other question in the other thread here:

To be honest, I haven't used Orca too much since then. I keep meaning to, but I keep using Firefox out of habit, plus all of my favorites are on here, hehe. I will start using it more, though :)

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Yes, we're on a satellite internet connection, 3 computers sharing it, and sometimes there are bandwidth limitations placed on by our satellite server, depending on how many people are on line at any given time on the same beam. Sometimes we have to get after the ISP re service slowdowns (I had a 2 week long battle with them last month...which did get me a 50% credit on my bill. Not that money was the issue, I just wanted good service, is all.), and in order to assess that accurately, I need to know what's connecting and when. I've got my son's laptop with MSE set to update automatically because he tends to be lax in that regard. Windows updates can just be too huge for that, though. We have to save big downloads for nighttime. I do all my updates manually and I'm OK with that. And sometimes some program updates are insect swarms of problems (such as AVG free 9) and I like to wait for developers to work the bugs out before I put the update on my system. So google coming in and updating stuff without my permissions would be annoying.

iTunes was preinstalled on the HP Media Center PC we purchased back in 2005. Yeah, surprising, isn't it? I've used it to burn an audio book to CD and I bought an mp3 with it once. I think iTunes provides better music purchasing than the one and only legit company available here in Canada right now--Puretracks. (Puretracks always seems to give me grief with their download manager program, for some odd reason.) But my son and I don't use iPods, we have mp3 players.

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@ Amethyst

Ah, I see. That makes sense. As long as you know what you are doing and are okay with it, and are keeping the most critical updates current as soon as you are able to, that's good :D Good that you have it set automatically on your son's laptop though :D

Ah, a Media Center PC. Well that makes more sense that iTunes is on it, but still... I think it should ask you.

Hmm. You can't get Rhapsody or something similar in Canada?

Pretty sure you can put iTunes downloads onto MP3 players :D I only have an iPod because it was a gift, although once I'd saved up some money if I didn't have one already I think I would get one after saving for a while. I love music :)

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