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Error Code 732(2,0)

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I'm using windows 7, 64 bit. I get error code 732 (2,0) whenever I try for an update. This is the free version 1.42.

What makes it worse it that I was already updated to database 3374. I tried to fix the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling, but now I'm stuck at database 3289.

The complete message is:

"the system cannot find the file specified"

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Hi ngc788 -

I have included below a link to our FAQ section (pinned items) from above this section -

Our first response is to ask you to check if you were fully connected at the time you tryed to update - Secondly can you please reboot and try to update and run a quick scan - You may have been hit by a 'bug' (small infection) and need a quick reboot and scan - If this will not fix it please post back and I will look deeper into it - Please read the link first -


Thank you :D

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I changed the ie8 options to detect automatically even though I never use it, I use Firefox instead (maybe there's something to change there too?)

Did a reboot. Problem persists. Scan completed, shows nothing wrong.

I was using a weird connection at the time it first happened. Connected tethering a blackberry through bluetooth (wireless tethering). This shows in my connections as a "3g connection" which is configured to use a "standard modem over bluetooth link". But right now doing this you asked me I'm at home with a full blown broadband connection, and the problem persists.

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Thank you for doing that first -

As you were using the 3G connection it would have caused the first error to show - We download via Windows as it reaches a larger base -

That was why you were given the I.E. settings to check - Please ensure the bluetooth on the blackberry unit is not on or in line with the modem (especially wireless) -

If you can call back in 10 mins I will show another step (checking with tech now) - Or drop back at your own time -

Thank you :D

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@ ngc7008 -

Can you please read items #7 and #8 from the link I have left below - The 3g may have upset your installed version -

Please ignore the instructions for paid versions if you are using the free version -


If a Full Clean Un/re install of the program is not a help then follow the instructions below to have an expert to fix your problem for free -

As we don't work on full Malware removal in these areas of the general forums -

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Thank you - :D

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I'm posting this before reading or doing any of the above links because this morning the problem seems to have been solved in a simple way.

Since I'm using windows 7, when I tried following the instructions at post #2, I did not find the ie8 options quite as explained there. So what I did was open ie8, went to tools, options and changed the lan settings that way. At that time I was not connected so I had told ie8 to "work offline" when it came on.

Now what happens this morning is that I hit "software updates" a utility in my start programs, either from windows or the manufacturer, and it tells me I was "working offline" and if I wanted to connect. Apparently some sections of the computer still thought I was offline since I told that to ie8 back then. I would have thought it would notice when I went online automatically, but it did not. Anyway, I answered yes, connect, and thought of the error. Ran Malwarebytes, hit update and it worked.

This all seems rather trivial now, but I hope the experience is helpful for all in the future.

I'm grateful for all your help noknojon, thank you very much.

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Sorry I do have that somewhere, but the actual item #7 thought the update/reboot call would have told you that you could not connect -

We all learn with these messages every day -

Thank you for adding that - :D


We now have a new staff member dedicated to keeping these updated -

Also sorry I took so long to get back to you earlier (family reasons) -

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