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FULL scan initially 8mins; now 1hr 15minutes-WHY?

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i just noticed (& remembered) that the FULL scan for Malwarebyte software now takes over 1hour to scan over 65,000 files. when i first used this product, it used to take only 8 minutes tops...then it moved to 16, eventually becoming an hour+. i remembered too, that it used to not have to scan this many files either - what has happened? i run a defragment of my system once a week, i have Threatfire, Spyware Blaster, IOBit 360 and recently loaded Registry Mechanic (which this program seems to be now running my system SLOWER!).

Can someone tell me what to i need to view or delete or if something needs to be UNINSTALLED.

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Welcome romade78 -

A short scan (default scan mode) will usually take about 5-8 mins - Also please check you have updated to the latest version -

A selected long scan can take up to (and sometimes over) 1 hour or so - IObit360 can slow the scans so can you please set it to disable during the scans -

Please check the scan setting for long or short scan -

Thank you ;)

If you think you may have an infection read below and follow these instructions -

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available

Again - Thank you for contacting us -

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