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Really Slow Quick Scans

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Hi all, hoping someone can help.

I have a laptop with Malwarebytes free version, When I quick scan it take just under 2 hours to complete and my computer is almost useless, it hangs and slows to a choppy crawl. It seems to take a turn for the worse when it reaches heuristics and extras scanning. I haven't tried a complete scan in a long time. I have XP Media Center SP3 with a Core 2 Duo 1.66mhz processor with a little over 3gb of recognized ram. The other scanners I have on the computer seem to work fine and scan quickly on a quick setting. Thanks for anyone who can shed light on the subject.

I did write in for a support ticket, and basically got a reply of "it happens, nothing we can do about it"

Hoping someone on the forum knows more or has a fix, a quick scan shouldn't take two hours and render your machine inoperable to do anything else with it.

thanks in advance!

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Hi T1245 and welcome to Malwarebytes.org ;)

If your computer is on the old side and has a lot of files on it, that could cause it to take longer, especially if has many user accounts.

The only thing I can think of to try is ATF Cleaner by Atribune (a temp file cleaner) which you can download here.

Information on how to use it is here:


If you use Vista, you will need to right-click and choose "Run as Administrator".

See if that helps!

Note: If you have any saved passwords in Firefox or Opera that you'd like to keep, hit "no" at the prompt. If you don't want to empty your Recycle Bin, make sure that is NOT checked.

Also, as a side note when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.

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A Quick Scan on an older computer with lots of files will take more time than on a newer, faster, and/or leaner computer, but two hours still sounds extreme and worrysome (in spite of my userid :( ). I've got a 3 1/2 year old computer running WinXP Pro, and an MBAM Quick Scan normally takes about 8 1/2 minutes to scan 116,000 objects. I think mountaintree's suggestion to clean out the debris makes good sense, but still, it's hard to believe that a Quick Scan should take anything like two hours. I'd be freaked if it took one hour.

When the Quick Scan finished, did it report that it had found any malware? If not, and if after cleaning out the unnecessary files with ATF Cleaner or CCleaner, MBAM still takes a long time to do a Quick Scan, I'd uninstall it following the instructions you'll find in #7 under the first question here, run mbam-cleaner, also covered in the instructions in #7, and then download and install a fresh copy. Be sure to re-start your computer in accord with the instructions in #7. If somehow you have a defective copy of MBAM, uninstalling it as instructed in #7 and replacing it with a fresh copy may help. OTOH, perhaps one of MBAM's experts may give you better advice.

Good luck!

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