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Tray icon do not respond

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After upgrading to 1.42 started problem with tray icon of Anti-malware. After system boot, tray icon react on mouse click for a while but after couple of minutes it stop working at all. I can still see it in a tray but doesn't metter what I do it stays dead. Left or right mouse clicks on icon produce nothing. The only way to access program is from desktop shortcut. Is it only me? I'm not using any other protection software so I completely depends on Anti-Malware. Using win 7 ultimate 32 bit. Icon freeze after a while even when nothing is started on my PC (not any p2p, no malwares of any kind in background and not any program at all. Just OS and it works perfect).

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Hello Bozidar,

I'm a bit concerned if this system doesn't have an anti-virus application? You do have one? if so, which?

You stated

I'm not using any other protection software

P.S. If you purchased a license to MBAM, you may contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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