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Vista Validation Error on Reboot (MBAM + Vundo + Vista Enterprise)

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I am having problems with an HP laptop running Windows Vista Enterprise. I recently installed the (large) service packs for both Vista and Office 2007.

My computer was having problems with:

  1. Random redirects when using Firefox
  2. A change to a fixed DNS server which appears to be based in the Netherlands
  3. Several processes launched by rundll32 with random dll names (alternating consonant and vowel).
  4. Nearly all processes had at least one of these random DLLs attached to it, including lsass and other core windows processes

My Symantec Antivirus would occasionally identify and quarantine a file identified as having a variant of Trojan.Vundo, but it could rarely clean it.

I decided to run MBAM on it last night (the most recent version), and it find about 20 infected objects, including several registry keys. I selected to remove all and it indicated it needed to reboot in order to delete a few (about four) remaining items that it couldn't quarantine and delete on the spot.

Upon reboot, I attempted to perform my standard login and after a "Please wait..." message, Vista came back with a "validation error" dialogue box. It asked me to enter a product key to validate, which I did based on the sticker on the bottom of my laptop. However, it did not accept this key as a valid Enterprise key. (Which may be possible, the sticker on the bottom says it's a Vista Business OEMA---perhaps that's from a previous install?)

After selecting to see more details regarding the error, it indicated that "unauthorized changes to Windows had been made" specifically in the "trusted store".

I am able to boot into Safe Mode with a Command Prompt using my same login and password as I attempted in the normal booting procedure. I can access all my files (at present) via Safe Mode and was even able to run MBAM again from Safe Mode, with the hope that might fix something. No dice.

Has anyone seen this error before and can someone please help fix this (very nasty) error.

Thanks in advance.

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