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Still disappointed......

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I am a registered user of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program, having purchased more than one license for family use.

Yesterday I visited this site and saw that Mbam version 1.42 was released. I read the change log and was disappointed that, as far as I can surmise, the ability for me to have the bubble alerts working silently in the background was not included as a feature/option in the basic program. Did I miss it somewhere?

I am not the only user of this great product that has commented on this concern. Usually when someone has commented on this before the response was to go into the registry and add some entries to achieve the silent operation. The registry change instructions offered do not match what my Windows 7 shows as the columns in the registry.

In my humble opinion the instructions provided, for this computer novice to understand, are not laid out enough for simple use and if this was left out of the 1.42 release and the only way, not disabling the IP Protection feature, for me to get those distracting bubble alerts to operate in the background then it would be appreciated if Mbam could check out the registry change instructions (1, 2, 3 entries?) and verify a Windows 7 registry compatibility format , and also list the instructions so that one can easily do a step by step process to make the changes. E.g. enter this and you will see this and then

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Hello Sayso!

Please see here:


Keep scrolling down for registry changes too :)

I also PM'd a moderator about a little application that was created for changing things in regards to silent IP blocking and the like, and also he may have some other ideas as well for you :) And there just might be something in 1.42 about this that we're missing.

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Thanks for the response that you made. I installed the mbam_ip_policy_shortcuts.zip program that you posted. I am using Windows 7 32 bit English edition. I selected the silent IP mode option via start - all programs - Mbam... and restarted the computer.

I then went to IE8 and used Norton Safe Search and entered 'ask.com' and it came up in about 2 secs and the seemingly permanent IP Mbam bubble did not come up as it had before!

In the past it took at least 14 seconds for the 'ask.com' (or any other site) to come up. I was enthused! I immediately went off of IE and checked the Mbam settings.. I found that the IP Protection Box was Unchecked!. I Checked the box and went back to IE and did the same thing and it then took me 14 seconds to get a site to come up and the IP bubble came up with the same I cannot say that the Mbam shortcut program caused anything, but for my PC it did not work..

I really wish that Mbam would incorporate a change to the basic program so that all users can have the option to run the Mbam program with Silent IP Mode protection, or not.

It's quite apparent that other's have spent an amount of time and effort to create alternatives such as the zip and registry tweaks to rectify this issue for it's users.

I am back at the same position I was at before.. :)

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