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If I purchase Malwarebytes today, and down the road get a new replacement computer, can I move my license to the new computer?

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If I purchase Malwarebytes today, and down the road I get a new replacement computer (every couple years or so), can I move my license to the new computer without any cost or issue?

I was curious how this would work.

I tend to get a new computer every couple years and wanted to know what happens when I get a new computer.



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Hello Gary and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org ;) And thank you for your purchase of Malwarebytes!

(Just to clarify - you do mean that you'd transfer the license off the old computer to the new one, correct)?

You absolutely could do this! <_<

You would just need to follow the directions in this link:


Of course, after you finish with step 4, complete step 5 on your new system :D

If you have any other questions, feel free to post them and someone will be happy to assist you as soon as someone is available.

Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said before you post, as this makes the forum easier to read.

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I don't see how it would take long to transfer things and the system would not require to be online so you can uninstall right off from old box.

Please uninstall the software off the old machine via Add\Remove Programs applet.

Reboot the system.

Then run this clean up tool and allow a reboot when prompted.


Then reinstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on the new system from the link below (downloads do not differ, registration with your ID & key activate the Pro features - this link generates any number of our 'official' download sites, not just malwarebytes.org):


Pay close attention to the actual download link. Many download sites have big giant sponsored ads from other vendors of other types of software which may confuse you. That's how they make money, by placing these ads prominently so you see them first.

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