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VirusTotal Malwarebytes False Positive [Malware.Heuristic.2018]

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Dear Malwarebytes Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to address a potential false positive detection by Malwarebytes (VirusTotal) regarding the executable file "Dofus.exe".

"Dofus.exe" is an executable file, a variation of the original Dofus client created by Ankama Games. This modified version includes additional functionality, specifically Discord Rich Presence, which the original executable lacks.

The recent detections of "Dofus.exe" as a potential threat are likely due to the obfuscation of the code, which was performed in C# to implement the added functionality.

I want to emphasize that "Dofus.exe" is safe for users and their systems. It's merely an enhancement of the original client with added features for improved user experience.

I kindly request your team to review the detection of "Dofus.exe" and consider adjusting your definitions to prevent future false positives. Should you require any further information or assistance from our end to facilitate this review, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Ensuring the security and smooth functioning of our application is our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.

Best regards,
Pablo M. Duval
Dofus Inquisition Team (https://dofusinquisition.com)

File Name: "DofusClient.exe"
Detection Name: Malware.Heuristic.2018
SHA256: 95fe726ae300bcd6505542d5b56e561a896c4ddbb60cd4cdc4367896f707678e


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