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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope this message finds you well. I represent Protectstar Inc.. We have received reports by multiple users that your Malwarebytes product for Android (org.malwarebytes.antimalware) detects our Antivirus AI app (server version; download https://www.protectstar.com/download/android/antivirus/antivirus.apk) as threat.

This is had not been the first time and a final feedback from your side is still missing:

We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more information regarding this detection. Our team takes security matters seriously, and we are committed to ensuring the integrity and safety of our software. Any insights or details you can share about the flagged detection would be invaluable in our efforts to address and resolve this matter promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this issue, and we look forward to your response.

Best Regards,





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  • Staff

Good morning,
the detection is absolutely not from a rule that aims to block your product, but rather from generic patterns that are common to potential threats.
In any case, we will be adding an exclusion for your product in the upcoming definition releases.

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