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malwarebytes and its false positive detections whit anything that opens app


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hello guys so i been using malwarebytes for a while and for some reason ANYTHING literally anything that opens apps and injects gets flagged for being a virus or being a generic malware . i've recently bought this program and malwarebytes keeps telling me to uninstall the program but im not shure if its a false positive and yes i know that malwarebytes gets aloot of false positive detections but i dont know if this is a actual false positve . Here ill type some caracteristics of what it does. First it gets your hwid and uses it so you dont share it then it opens a app and opens another program for you after that is loads or injects a thing that im shure its a lua and then it makes a folder in your c drive after that it also looks for dll/modules in your computer . heres the virus total scan:https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/530c3789037bba899a25c861fd183124b256f113bfb29c7e1c67b6ee5377fd66?nocache=1

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