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Probably False Positive - Malware.AI.4026709311


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We are a small retail business and use MalwareBytes on all our business computers. Academy Frame Company in Colorado. There was a an update made around 11/13/2023 that disabled our primary POS software (LifeSaver Software


) . We were unable to process any sales transactions for over 3 hours. After the issue was discovered, we were able to remove the software from the quarantine folder and add the tool folder to the exclude list. However, that quarantine/removal process damaged key files in the LifeSaver tool. It required getting a download patch from the software developer to fix it. LifeSaver is a large database application and it appears that the database tables were not allowed to close properly. Such carelessness can have catastrophic impacts on our client base, transaction tables, and history tables.

While things appear to be running at the moment, I wanted you to be aware of the seriousness of the impact that resent update.

We do not have any further actions needed at this time.

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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