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high RAM bug


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Hi @ppzcorea thanks for the information. In order for us to investigate, can you please provide us some info? 

  1. What were you doing prior to these screen shots?
  2. Do you have the timespan for the high memory usage?
  3. Can you provide the MBAM service log?
  4. Also, if you could run the Support tool and provide those logs it would be helpful as well: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbst

Thanks for your assistance!

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  • Staff

After further investigation, we think this is expected behavior while running the scan. 1.2 GB of RAM on MBAMService during a scan is not really out of the ordinary from our testing.

It is very possible that the machine you have installed MB5 on has lower power hardware, and it's resources get used up pretty quickly, resulting in a choppy experience throughout the OS, not just MB5 UI.

It would help to confirm or deny this theory if you told us your computer's specs (CPU/RAM).

I suggest enabling this setting if you're on a slower machine, as it should improve your experience:


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