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Website blocked with new 2.6.5 of the Malwarebytes Browser Guard addon


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I've gotten reports from clients that they could not access webmail as it's being reported as a phishing site. It started with the new revision 2.6.5 on Chrome. Testing Edge and Firefox which is on the older 2.6.4 version you can connect to the website with no issue. Also if you click "continue to the website" in Chrome to override the warning it will not connect and just timeout.

The website is:


Let me know if you need anymore information.

Thank you.

Kevin Warner

Surfsponge Support.

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Hi, thanks for the report. I passed this along to the developer as I was also able to replicate the block.

I've whitelisted the site in the meantime which I think will fix this particular issue once a database update is sent out.

Check back in about 4 hours if you're still seeing the block or not. I'll also keep an eye on it.


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  • Staff

Hello, Kevin,

We are very sorry for the problem you are experiencing. After we improved our phishing heuristic detection mechanisms, there was a misconfiguration that caused some legitimate pages to be detected. The new version v2.6.6 has already been released with the introduced fix. Please try to update your version and let us know how it goes.
Thanks and have a malware free day!

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