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Please Review These Files Read Below

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I was having probs more out of the ordinary and the only thing that Malwarebytes was detecting was "PUP.Optional.TorrentSearch.ChrPRST", never getting rid of it or removing it. I started checking through the temp dir when using %Temp% and I started noticing a few files with lots of numbers but the extension "tmp.exe" started reading inside of the the files and these errors started to make sense. Disk space suddenly to a min, admin account would no longer load, files disappearing, and other weird sh!&, so please review these files i'm sending and tell me I'm not as wacky as my dilapidated computer.

Now these files i've renamed cleaned out the temp folder but they come right back, if i can stop the process "runonce" then i'm getting somewhere and then it doesn't show and i'm back at it again. The PUP.Optional.TorrentSearch.ChrPRST , why isn't malwarebytes removing this all it will do is let me quarantine.

The actual files, the .exe i copied the text to a ...lol text file and added a new file KL-setup file KSDE log, I think they are all connected, but i could be wrong, yal be the judge. 

Thank you 

Southern Belle

ps trying to find this "yandex browser"

all questionable files renamed exe to bak.rar

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