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NSIS Setup False Positive


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So well, I use a software called NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), and I saw on the sourceforge page, and I scanned the installer on VirusTotal just to see it, barely any of them detected it as a virus, only one did, the one that detected it was MalwareBytes, MalwareBytes detects it as MachineLearning/Anomalous.93% also here are where I got the file, the VirusTotal and sourceforge.

SourceForge (nsis.sourceforge.io)

VirusTotal (https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/bbc76be36ecb2fc00d493c91befdaf71654226ad8a4fc4dc338458916bf224d0)

And I got the file from the SourceForge page.

And here's the hashes:

SHA256: BBC76BE36ECB2FC00D493C91BEFDAF71654226AD8A4FC4DC338458916BF224D0

MD5: 20C14273607E02112163A26309694364

And also I decided to scan the NSIS executable, Compiler and the Uninstaller.



It ins't detected with MalwareBytes, but it is still detected by some other anti-viruses.








// I don't actually use MalwareBytes, I am just reporting a false positive.
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