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Using Mozilla websites, got an IP block


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I was just clicking around on different links on the Mozilla site, to read about different Mozilla things, and I got an IP block. I had three tabs open at once, so I am not sure which site it was, although I just reopened (one by one) all the Mozilla tabs that I had closed after the IP block appeared, and it seems to be the Planet Mozilla Page. The page loaded though, so I imagine it was a link or an advertisement?

I have attached a screenshot.

Just checking to see if its a FP or not. Just found this odd on a Mozilla site.



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Thanks for checking this out Steven.

I don't see what other sites reside on it (on the hpHosts link you gave me), but I don't doubt you at all of course. :blink:

Probably a silly question, but, have you tried contacting them (the IP provider, that is)?

And I wonder if Mozilla is aware of this, you'd think they'd want to move away from this...

Oh, and do you think it would still be safe to surf around the Mozilla sites, after all, I have mbam to block any bad IP's. ?

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Thanks Steven.

Yep, IP protection is always enabled ;)

That's too bad :( I hope Mozilla is able to move, if it is infact from the page itself.

Guess I had better not look around the Mozilla pages when I am using a computer that doesn't have Mbam on it (aside from downloading Firefox for someone) :blink:

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