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Brigand: Oaxaca - PC game on Steam


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The game is being detected as Ransomware and saving the game is not possible. It also takes a very long time for the game to start if Malwarebytes is enabled.


What can I do to help this game not be detected as a virus? I have the paid version of Malwarebytes and the developer said you will send me a Support Tool. Apparently you previously fixed the false positive, but an update to the game made it trigger again.


Thank you!!

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OK, so even though it isn't showing up as a virus, Malwarebytes is still making the game take forever to save, and can even have it corrupt the save game file. I still think this is an issue.


Turning off Malwarebytes fixes the issue. I don't like the idea of whitelisting the game, and it would be better for other users who own the game and Malwarebytes to just have it work, rather than having to scour the forums to find a solution.


Is there anything else I can do to get the problem fixed?

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