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False positive on my app


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I am the devloper of this vpn, please remove the false positive.


Many thanks

-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 1/7/22
Protection Event Time: 5:19 AM
Log File: 9cd867ee-6f68-11ec-a19a-7085c2b1f8f1.json

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.1538
Update Package Version: 1.0.49512
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 10 (Build 19043.1415)
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System

-Blocked Malware Details-
File: 1
MachineLearning/Anomalous.93%, C:\Program Files (x86)\Sbmmoff VPN\Sbmmoff_VPN.exe, Delete-on-Reboot, 0, 392687, 1.0.49512, , shuriken, , BD2458DBADBD09F03DCB7527B689DD6A, 4BE40C81D2279D76D2AD66B3FD7E3D1906CB0FD05EBF448FEF8B7A54D96B7303



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  • Staff

Thanks for reporting, it should no longer be detected. If it still is, please clear hubble cache:

  1. Click on the Malwarebytes icon in the system tray
  2. Select "Quit Malwarebytes"
  3. Navigate to %PROGRAMDATA%\Malwarebytes\MBAMService
  4. Delete the file HubbleCache
  5. Open Malwarebytes


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