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StudioLine "Ransomware Detected"


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what is the process of registering commercial software to avoid being "detected".

The StudioLine (www.StudioLine.net) suite of Windows products (same code base for all) has been around for over 20 years. As a photo/media asset software, it can frequently process many hundreds of photos that were taken at a single event, and/or share portfolios of hundreds of pictures on the client's web presence.

This week was the first time, that we saw this:


We are the developer of that software and certainly wouldn't want our customer base to receive inappropriate warnings.

Best Regards,

Andy Schmidt

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Here is the attached executable that matches the process that was reported. I'm a little confused, because I thought the Ransomware tool didn't rely on "signatures" of .EXEs but rather examines behavior patterns?

PS: It's only the application's launcher - but will the be process reported in Task Manager for the duration the application is used.


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