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Several MalwareAI detections.


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Hello Everyone.

Yesterday I created a thread about a malware.ai detection that seemed like a false positive.

I did rescan today and not only the same file was not longer detected as malware but suddenly 9 new items were marked as malware.

I would like to send you these files for revision but I am not sure if I should take them off quarantine as these are plenty of detections and I have made no changes to the system until today so I am very suspicious that perhaps this could be the work of some sort of malware infecting executables.

I am attaching the report below:

I would like to make clear that I do recognize these files, I installed Putty to connect through SSH to my firewall.

Thank you for your time.


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  • Staff

Thanks for reporting, the files in the detection log have been fixed. I scanned them and they are not detected for me.

If you are still seeing a detection, you may need to clear your hubblecache.

Please do the following to clear your hubble cache:

  1. Click on the Malwarebytes icon in the system tray
  2. Select "Quit Malwarebytes"
  3. Navigate to %PROGRAMDATA%\Malwarebytes\MBAMService
  4. Delete the file HubbleCache
  5. Open Malwarebytes
Edited by cli
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