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subdomain app.evipes.com - request removing from blacklist

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Is this legitimate?

https://app.evipes.com/s/AVO2RPY?ref=UTVKCAOMPP ==> https://kennyhealth.com/isso-9001/#
https://app.evipes.com/cp/HF35GOD ==> https://saudebemestar.info/adv/isso-9001/#
https://app.evipes.com/sp/KFUTX4B ==> https://oglobo-sociedade.com/medico-revela-como-homens-comuns-estao-conseguindo-aumentar.html


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I explain in another topic.

The system app.evipes.com is a platform, like other. Example: https://app.monetizze.com.br/r/ADS3472776

Any people its able to enter in platform and sell any product. We aren't responsible. Our links like https://app.evipes.com/s/AVO2RPY?ref=UTVKCAOMPP are used to statistics

Some examples: youtube and facebook platform, you can announce any products. Inside platform, is generate a link for statistics, "shortner link" per example. After user click, it's goes to site of product announced.

We aren't responsible by external content, anyway, we always checking the advertisers if it's scam or not, if is fake or not.

Our company is real and registered in Brazil, if necessary, we can send official documents to prove the legally.

I hope that this to be analyzed as our company as, because there are a lot of competitors with the same king of platform and they aren't blacklisted.


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