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main domain evipes.com - request remove from blacklist

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5 minutes ago, evipes said:


my commercial domain is blocked in malwarebytes. I already run a lot of viruscan, like clamav, sucuri sitecheck and other, nothing found.

I would like to remove the main domain and subdomains from blocklist, please


Log in attach.

evipes_log.txt 879 B · 0 downloads


The domain is blocked for fraudulent medical claims.

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3 hours ago, evipes said:

this is a commercial domain of financial company. Like paypal and others, its a payment gateway

Could you check the content, please?


Yeah we have checked the content on that domain:


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this url is a redirect inserted by customers. Just a redirect for external content. I see that final url is not blocked on malwarebytes.. its sounds weird

The evipes.com is only a platform / payment gateway. We are a official company registered with business on many countries. We aren't responsible by final content. 

The url redirect is used to statistics, it's like youtube, facebook do when we click on link inside the plataform... the url clicked is a youtube or facebook redirect to measurement of statistics.

I believe that our business should not penalized by this kind of thing, considering that final content is not hosted in our platform and content is not generated by us.

I would like to review my request.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Staff
3 hours ago, evipes said:

There are a lot of similar companies that arent blocked in malwarebytes, like : https://app.monetizze.com.br/r/ALB3588158

why ?

We're going to give this a second review, will advise once we have a decision.

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