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How can I get my website unblocked

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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I had a report from a client that my website dhsoftware.com.au was being blocked by Malwarebytes due to a Trojan.  I scanned all the files and did find one that was reported as having a Trojan by couple of the virus scanners at VirusTotal.  I have rebuilt and  replaced that file, and also installed the trial version of Malwarebytes which does not report any threats, PUPs or PUMs in my local copy of the website. I have also scanned the actual website at VirusTotal where it is reported as clean by every detection.

Malwarebytes is still blocking the web site as having a trojan.

What do I need to do to get www.dhsoftware.com.au unblocked?

Thank you


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