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At present, I'm still waiting for GoDaddy to either respond to the abuse reports, or take down the malicious domains.

In the meantime, the only thing I can suggest, is to temporarily disable IP Protection when accessing the site.

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At present, I'm still waiting for GoDaddy to either respond to the abuse reports, or take down the malicious domains.

In the meantime, the only thing I can suggest, is to temporarily disable IP Protection when accessing the site.

Is there a way to do that permanently like in the registry or something? If I have a customer purchase your software, they won't be able to view my site. Let's face it, your typical home user won't know enough to keep right-clicking on the tray icon to disable the IP blocking.

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Information on this can be found below.


Be advised however, I strongly recommend against doing this on your clients systems without their consent (and their knowledge on exactly what this will be doing), as this will leave them without any IP Protection at all. A better option for you, would be to change your domain names A record to point to the IP the domain loads (or, as you seem to be using Microsoft's Office hosting, changing it to a CNAME, so it points directly to your Microsoft hosted website).

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