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Electricity from the glass – energy revolution with the use of quantum dots


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Electricity from the glass – energy revolution with the use of quantum dots.


Let’s imagine, that in a couple of years our electricity bills will drop by half or even more, as we replace standard windows with nanoPV ones. What is a nanoPV window? At the very first sight, it will not be any different that a standard window. Transparent, ensuring thermal isolation and safety usage. However, it will be much more than just a window, becoming our private electric plant. NanoPV windows will charge our phones, laptops, fridges… Actually it is not a far distant future, it is near future reality!

Demand for electricity is constantly increasing. In our day-to-day lives we rely much more on the equipment which requires connection to the grid. Fortunately, science and technology are helping us to face the reality. Electricity can be produced in every single spot exposed to the light. The perspective of transparent photovoltaic cells has been known since many years. Its successful commercialization would definitely change the approach towards the renewables energy sector. Dark photovoltaic cells, used until now for the production of photovoltaic modules, cannot be treated as a direct substitute of the standard glass. That is the reason why there were mainly installed on the rooftops or outside of the building envelope. However, the recent outcomes of technology and nanometric science provide wider scope of possibilities. Finally, it is possible to use the window surfaces and any other glass elements on the building. Innovative material – quantum dots is already replacing standard components in other fields of the science, such as electronics, medicine or biotechnology. Its existence in photovoltaic sector is therefore reasonable, especially taking into account unique properties.

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