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Escaping the Chrome Sandbox with RIDL


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Escaping the Chrome Sandbox with RIDL



Guest blog post by Stephen Röttger


tl;dr: Vulnerabilities that leak cross process memory can be exploited to escape the Chrome sandbox. An attacker is still required to compromise the renderer prior to mounting this attack. To protect against attacks on affected CPUs make sure your microcode is up to date and disable hyper-threading (HT).


In my last guest blog post “Trashing the Flow of Data” I described how to exploit a bug in Chrome’s JavaScript engine V8 to gain code execution in the renderer. For such an exploit to be useful, you will usually need to chain it with a second vulnerability since Chrome’s sandbox will limit your access to the OS and site isolation moved cross-site renderers into separate processes to prevent you from bypassing restrictions of the web platform.


In this post, we will take a look at the sandbox and in particular at the impact of RIDL and similar hardware vulnerabilities when used from a compromised renderer. Chrome’s IPC mechanism Mojo is based on secrets for message routing and leaking these secrets allows us to send messages to privileged interfaces and perform actions that the renderer shouldn’t be allowed to do. We will use this to read arbitrary local files as well as execute a .bat file outside of the sandbox on Windows. At the time of writing, both Apple and Microsoft are actively working on a fix to prevent this attack in collaboration with the Chrome security team.


When I started working on this I was surprised that it’s still exploitable even though the vulnerabilities have been public for a while. If you read guidance on the topic, they will usually talk about how these vulnerabilities have been mitigated if your OS is up to date with a note that you should disable hyper threading to protect yourself fully. The focus on mitigations certainly gave me a false sense that the vulnerabilities have been addressed and I think these articles could be more clear on the impact of leaving hyper threading enabled.


That being said, I would like you to take away two things from this post. First, info leak bugs can be more than just an ASLR bypass. Even if it wasn’t for the reliance on secret port names, there would be other interesting data to leak, e.g. Chrome’s UnguessableTokens, Gmail cookies or sensitive data in other processes on the machine. If you have an idea how to find info leaks at scale, Chrome might be a good target.


Second, I ignored hardware vulnerabilities for the longest time since they are way out of my comfort zone. However, I hope that I can give you another data point on their impact with this blog post to help you make a decision if you should disable hyper-threading. There’s lots of room for exploration on what other software can be broken in similar ways and I would love to see more examples of applying hardware bugs to break software security boundaries.


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