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computer is badly infected

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hello everyone

my computer is definitely infected with some sort of virus. everytime i click on an application a pop up box comes up saying bad image. tizamahu.dll is not a real window image, something to that nature. also when i try to open or run any anti-malware apps them wont open. i cant even log onto malwarebytes.org. this is really getting annoying. any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hello vishthom, welcome to the forum...

I am not sure if you have read this thread or not, but have a look at I'm infected, What do I do now?

According to your post, you cannot run either program (HJT and MBAM), so I would skip those steps and just make a new thread in the Malware Removal section of this forum stating your computer's symptoms and that you cannot run either of the two tools.

Hope this helps!

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Hello vishthom, welcome to the forum...

I am not sure if you have read this thread or not, but have a look at I'm infected, What do I do now?

According to your post, you cannot run either program (HJT and MBAM), so I would skip those steps and just make a new thread in the Malware Removal section of this forum stating your computer's symptoms and that you cannot run either of the two tools.

Hope this helps!

thanks swagger for the immediate reponse

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