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Malwarebytes prevents IPC between Audials and ffmpeg.exe


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We are using named pipes for IPC (Inter-Process Communication) between Audials application (https://audials.com/en) and ffmpeg.exe to do some A/V operations like encoding/decoding etc. Unfortunately one of our users noticed that after installing Ransomwarebytes on his PC Audials application fails to do some operations, after investigating this issue it seems that Malwarebytes avoid using named pipes for IPC and I'm  getting empty data from ffmpeg.exe while reading from the named pipe. After several tries we discovered that after turning off "Ransomware protection" our Application works fine, so currently we are advising our users to put our application folder to "Allow List" in Ransomwarebytes settings. Also I should mention that there's no ransomware report while running our app with "Ransomware protection" turned on.

Is there any solution to avoid adding our app's folder to "Allow List" ?

- Malwarebytes version:

- Update package version: 1.0.18986

- Component package version: 1.0.810


Best regards,





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Hi Boby,

Thanks for reporting the issue.

Could you try the latest standalone version of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware and let us know if you still encounter an issue:

Before installing, you will need to uninstall Malwarebytes version 4 if it is still installed.

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