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Translation of research phrases

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Passive-Aggressive Email Phrases: Here's What They Really Mea


1. "Thanks in advance."
Translation: I'm already thanking you for doing me this favor, even though you haven't yet agreed to it. Therefore, you must do it. 

2. " ... I'd be most grateful."
As in, "If you could respond to this inquiry any time within the next 24 hours, I'd be so grateful." Another form of thanking someone in advance, with the same expected result.

3. "Can I send you some information?"
This is a classic sales technique that, as someone who gets lots of pitches, can drive me straight up the wall. If you're going to mail me a book, it makes sense to ask my permission first. For anything else, the investment on your end is exactly the same whether you send me an email asking to send information or just go ahead and email the information. The only purpose of asking first is to create some sort of commitment that I'll pay attention to that information. And to waste everyone's time with two emails instead of one.

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