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Windows Security Alert

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Does Malwarebytes turn off the windows security alert that antivirus isn't installed. I recently had to wipe my computer due to virus and started over with WinXP 2002 pro no patches. First thing I did was install Malwarebytes as I suspected my backup personal files might be infected. That means that Win Security Alert didn't exist at that time. Do I need to reinstall Malwarbytes to register it with Win Security in order to get rid of the nag win security alert that no antivirus installed? Thanks Duff

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Hey Duff,

Welcome to the forum... Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is not an anti-virus program therefore it will not register itself in Windows as anti-virus protection. I'd recommend you download a free a/v program or buy one immediately. Around this forum, I've seen recommendations for Alwil Software Avast Home (free), Avira Antivir Personal (free), Kaspersky AV 2010 (paid), and ESET NOD32 (paid).

Kaspersky AV 2010 and ESET NOD32 both have 30 day trials available if you you'd like to try them out first.

Take Care

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