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false positive

Ian Mackay

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I clicked on the link but have no clue what any of it means, my question still is how do I stop Malwarebytes blocking this website?

The link I posted was a link for the Tech Support to click and see the information on the IP address you posted that was being blocked. I am using the free version of Malwarebytes I do not have the option to have Malwarebytes block sites or scan in real time for Malware and etc.

The only option I know of to bypass the website blocker is to turn it off. This isn't recommended. Someone from Malwarebytes should see your post soon and inform you if they will unblock the IP adress or if the block will remain on.

I don't fully understand the website either I know they use it when they explain why an IP is blocked to other users. I just posed the link so they didn't have to go look for it.

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Could you tell me what site you are trying to visit please?

Sadly this is on an "Advanced Hosters" IP range, a company that does not seem to be able to decide whether they're in the US or UK, and who are currently hosting a slew of malicious sites;


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Could you tell me what site you are trying to visit please?

Sadly this is on an "Advanced Hosters" IP range, a company that does not seem to be able to decide whether they're in the US or UK, and who are currently hosting a slew of malicious sites;


i'm visiting www.xhamster.com, this site is probably visited hundreds of thousands if not millions and about a week ago Malwarebytes did'nt stop me from watching the videos on this site but the real problem is how do i allow access to this IP address?

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Apologies for taking so long.

You can temporarily disable IP Protection to access the site if you wish. To do this, right click the MBAM tray icon, and untick "IP Protection".

Thankyou very much, that did the trick, after i was finished on the website i did a full scan on Malwarebytes and my anti-virus program Avast! just to be sure, nothing found, so i'm pretty sure the website's not a problem (Avast! usually screams a warning if the content is dangerous anyway), anyway many thanks

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