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False positive for phishing

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Hello, hope this is the right place to report this.

MalwareBytes is currently blocking the website rmschools.isof.cnr.it on my PC for a supposed phishing attempt. It happens while trying to access it on all browsers, and doesn't happen on any other website I try to open, so I'm confident it's not something messed up on my machine.




This is actually the official webpage for an official European Union educational project I'm involved with. I already talked to the people who created and manage the site at Italy's CNR (National Center of Research), but we couldn't figure out what would possibly be causing a false positive, since the website doesn't even ask the user for any authentication data whatsoever.

So, could someone please give it a manual check and whitelist it?


Thank you for your time,


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