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Ransomeware Rollback Clarification


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By definition Ransomeware Rollback: Up to 72 hours of protection for files encrypted, deleted, or modified by a ransomware attack. 

Is this a built in feature of Malwarebytes entirely separate from our current backup solution? 

Or, does Malwarebytes create logs that allow me to determine what time in the last 72 hours the ransomeware attack happened. Then I would use my backup to restore to this point. 

Hard to test without an actual ransomware attack :-) 

Thank you. 

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@CHMOD_777 my post is about clarification. I need to know 100% Malwarebytes on it's own rolls back encrypted data to a prior safe state and entirely independent of 3rd party backup solutions. It's hard to test this without getting an infection. Does Malwarebytes rollback the data or does it rely on a 3rd party backup solution? Thank you. 

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