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Thunderbird Added Shield Not Working ??


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I'm running on 3 computers, all of which have an Added Shield for Mozilla Thunderbird.  It always worked fine, however, now it works on two (flyout plus log entry), but not on the 3rd (W7-32).  I have removed-added, deactivated-activated the TB Shield without success.  And I have uninstalled-reinstalled MBAE as well.  By the way, other Added Shields work just fine on all 3 computers.

Where is the Added Shield settings stored?  In the registry or in a file.  Any way to check and/or to modify the settings manually?  Thanks

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Also, like is the case with Thunderbird, when clicking on a web-link in an email (received in Thunderbird), the Firefox Shield doesn't kick in.  But, when starting Firefox normally, the MBAE Shield is activated okay.  So, one issue leads to two problems...

The culprit seems to be that I run Thunderbird in XP Compatibility Mode, as I prefer the XP-related User Interface.  If I revert to running TB in normal W7 mode, both the TB and FX Shields work fine.  Go figure!

If this has something to do with MBAE or not, I have no idea.  However, short of changing the TB User Interface to something I don't like, I need a fix for this.  Any suggestions?

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1 hour ago, Spritesprint said:

Try the .107 experimental version, I think that has XP related fixes in it that .100 doesn't, might work for you

I forgot to mention that I'm indeed using version .107 already (link).  I think my problem is not related to the XP fix referred to in this forum.  It's different.



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