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Mbam licence

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I have a serious problem with my license . I have a lifetime license that reverts random to free.

I formatted again my PC to try to fix it. ( i created also a ticket 2373839 )

My machine is the same.

Today my mbam reverts again to free.

Because i am a beta tester i play with a lot in my uefi bios with compatibility mode cms (enable and disable and i frequently rearrange the hard drives)

usually the pc is in full uefi mode with ultra fast mode enable.

The PC is the same. Do u have the license tied to hard drives or in cms mode because the machine is the same.

I have an older PC with old bios that whatever i do it don't lost the license.



Edited by boombastik
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My asrock motherboard have 2 sata controllers.

If i disable ultra fast boot my Intel sata controller initialized first and c drive take the number 0 and follows all the others hard drives with with number 2,3,4...

If i enable ultra fast boot my second controller initialized first (i have one drive there) and it takes the letter I and the number 0.

So my c takes the number 1.

I think that it is the problem the license is tied to hard drive numbering and lettering. All asus and asrock motherboard have this limitation when have more sata controllers. Can a staff member confirm it?


Χωρίς τίτλο.png

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The license is not tied to the hard drive numbering or lettering. When your license reverts to free, if you reboot the computer, does it go back to licensed properly or does it remain free? If it remains free, can you get us a new set of logs after rebooting?

Also, it looks like your Malwarebytes service is restarting pretty consistently, are you restarting Malwarebytes on purpose by chance?

Edited by dcollins
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it remains free. No i don't restart anything.

well yesterday i reactivated it, and until now it stays OK. I rearrange the hard drives on propose and all are OK. But i didn't enable the cms(compatibility mode of motherboard).

It is possible when i activate the cms mode and the irqs change to have some effect on activation?

Also i fix an error with my (I) disk in the second controller. My malware bytes is installed in (c) disk, if the (i) disk makes 2 minute to respond have any effect to activation? Because i found that after a hibernation if the (I) disk makes 2 minutes to respond also the malware bytes icon near clock does not exist for 2 minutes.Maybe malwarbytes service waits all the disks to respond and if one has problems, service restarts consistently ?


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It is random but i enable and disable a lot the cms module. Asrock motherboards are strange you can have cms on and secure boot on in the same time.

I will continue to change things in bios but i will leave cms disabled and secure boot on and i will report what will happen after 2 days.

Leave this thread open. If it reverts to free until then i will upload the logs after the restart.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK i have done more test. Definitely is something wrong.

In asrock motherboard there exist an option for normal boot ,fast boot and a ultra fast boot(GOP GPU).

If i have normal boot there not exist any problem.

If i select fast boot every time i visit my bios without change anything and push save and exit the mbam after startup requires activation. If i don't visit my bios the mbam stays activated.

I know that every time i visit the bios the next boot from motherboard will be normal but i cant understand why mbam deactivates itself. It has nothing to do with secure boot.

Do u have an asrock motherboard from haswell and newer to test it?

also i have noticed that every time i visit my bios and save and exit with the mbam that deactivates itself i take also a mbam service crash.


As a uefi bios beta tester i go into my bios every day and this thing makes my job harder. It is possible to make some change in the way that the activation works?

For example less aggressive ?




Edited by boombastik
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Ok, please try this please:

  1. Make sure Fast Boot is enabled
  2. Download and run mbsupportinfo.exe
  3. This will create a file named supportinfo.dat, rename this file to before-supportinfo.dat
  4. Boot into your BIOS, don't make any changes, hit save, then go back into Windows
  5. Make sure that Malwarebytes is not registered
  6. Run mbsupportinfo.exe again
  7. This will create a file named supportinfo.dat, rename this file to after-supportinfo.dat
  8. Zip up both before-supportinfo.dat and after-supportinfo.dat and attach the zip in your reply 
    1. This file is encrypted, so no need to worry about details being leaked

This should let us know why this is happening

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I found before seen your answer that if unplug my network cable it stayed always activated.(and plug in 10 sec after startup)

So i restarted my router and now i cant recreate it if i change between normal , fast and ultra fast it stays activated.

Has this any sense ?

I have download your tool and i will wait.




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