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I started seeing MBAM alerts today while deploying an application to many computers. Not all computers generated a MBAM alert. The ones that did generate an alert and the hstart.exe was quarantined caused the software installation to fail. Below is an example of the alert. I have also attached a sample of the hstart.exe for your analysis. The software package I'm installing is called Newforma Project Center Client.

1/7/2018 1:31:37 PM       [Computer Name Removed]  [IP Removed]  HackTool.HiddenStart    Quarantined                C:\Users\[UserName Removed]\AppData\Local\Temp\{D5E81AB8-284A-4475-AEA4-A717F51FB273}\hstart.exe

1/7/2018 1:31:37 PM       [Computer Name Removed]  [IP Removed]  HackTool.HiddenStart    Quarantined                C:\Users\[User Name Removed]\AppData\Local\Temp\{0E5865BC-FBF7-460E-A874-D5E62DD5A41A}\hstart.exe


Please advise.

Thanks, Chad


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