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how just installing chrome , you get injected with funmoods pup


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Hi,  I know about the funmood potentialities and very glad that mbytes just quarantine in its scan. But i did not install funmood. I just installed chrome search engine and i do not know how funmood crept in.

I find in appdata chrome user data folder as secured preferences. So, anybody just installing chrome either online downloader or offline downloader is getting automatically injected with funmoods .

The nasty funmoods took away about 6 hours of my work in deleting those hidden entries in registry and in pc.

My point, is anybody having chrome as their browser generally , and scan with malwarebytes would face this problem. I explain it little further When i scan the pc with custom scan with malware bytes lataest version, the chrome could not open the web pages and i was totally surprised, how this could be, when i could browse freely a few minutes ago an now no access to web pages. After scan, i was given this PUP alert, which i quarantine immediately. Experts please say, how chrome install is infected with funmood. I have just ignored cnet for this purpose.



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