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Hi Aura, sorry to get back to you so late.:( Thanks you so much for reviewing my results. As it turns out my issue was not related to a virus, rootkit or any other malware. The problem was Microsoft, particularly the fast ring of the Insider Preview program. As it turns out the Windows 10 insider preview has a bug that can install a "mystery" unkown administrator account after a clean install. If you do not fix the issue right after the install by deleting the account from the registry you basically lose all control and access to administrative functions. I, incorrectly, figured it was a form of a virus or ransomware and spent many hours trying to restore my permissions, or at least figure out what it was or where it came from, hence my asking you for help. Unfortunately the issue happens not that often and the solution was very hard to find. I guess that's to be expected when using early preview builds. I just figured some hacker had taken control of my system. So thank you for your help! Even though I unsucessfully tried to resolve the issue for for many days, I learned a lot in the process.Your software is great and I will keep using it.

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